Ambassador & Business Awards Gala 2022

Join us on November 4  at Forrest Park Hotel (6:00-9:30 pm) for the Ambassador & Business Awards Gala! The event is way of celebrating individuals, organizations and individuals for their accomplishments and contributions in 2022.You can reserve your tickets asap...

Coronavirus (COVID-19) information for Jasper

Canadians are being asked to help ‘flatten the curve’ and take measures to slow down the spread of the virus to reduce the load on the country’s healthcare system. Read the complete news update here.

2019 Ambassador and Business Award Nominees

Community Ambassador of the Year: Franquille (Frank) Marcojos, DJ Klymchuk Individual Award of Distinction: Shawnee Janes-Wilson, Kevin Henderson, Murdoc Bowen, Dave Gibson (Sr) Exceptional Customer Service: ATB Financial (Jasper), Folding Mountain Brewery, Sun Dog...